Tuesday, 8 June 2010

D is for...'D' things on a Folksy Friday!

I'm writing this Folksy Friday blog post on a Tuesday - very naughty of me I know, but needs must as I'll be hitting the 'post' button from the Isle of Arran where I'm expecting I'll have not time to get to a computer (thank you iPhone in advance)! That's one nice perk about my day job - getting to see some lovely places in the summer when the Orchestra does it's annual trip around towns in Scotland. It's luck of the draw that I get to go to the beautiful Whiting Bay on Friday (today!).

But it's not an 'A' for Arran week, it's a 'D' for Delightful week, or should that be Dreich, seeing as the weather finally took that turn back to cold and rain? It has been a delightful time though - with the wedding of a close school friend on Saturday night in Sheffield, getting to see family at the weekend in the Peak District and cheering on Mr O as he ran the Buxton Half Marathon, it's been lovely.

We've also finally got most of the unpacking done! Hurray! Just 2 boxes to go...

Plus my search for all things 'D' on Folksy this week has thrown up some Damn-fine finds, I've been spoilt for choice (click on an image or link for more)!

Dotty! Notecards by Dig the Earth

D is for Dancers by JAM Crafts

Dazzle by Glassprimitif

Daisy Coins earrings by Iyobo Design

As for my streetname cards, here are the lovely 'D's that I've got so far, including Diamond Lane for those engagement or diamond wedding celebrations, plus a few pictures (more on the website)...

Happy Friday everyone! See you next week for 'E'...

Jen x


  1. Thank you so much for featuring my Dotty cards in your line up! :D

  2. watch out for they orchestra types ;)

  3. Great picks! Thanks for including Dazzle.

  4. OOh super, you tick two of the D names in my family; birthdays a while off but i'll be in touch!
