Sunday, 7 February 2010

Swimming in cards...

And so my first craft fair has been and gone... and what an all-round lovely day it was.

All those late nights making cards, mounting collages, writing stickers, pricing stock and drinking tea (read: wine) was worth it! Not only did I meet some lovely fellow crafters, I also had some, quite frankly, ego-boosting feedback about the collages and the street name cards were brilliantly received as well, which totally made my day :)

There were the inevitable few who couldn't find their name amongst my stock and in response I think I made a couple of promises that I won't be able to keep ("Of course I'll find Engelbert Street, just keep checking the website, or pop along next time!") but lots that I will.

The whole day in general had such a great atmosphere. All of my fellow crafters that I had chance to chat to were so welcoming, friendly and happy to dole out craft fair advice, which I duly scribbled onto numerous pieces of paper (and which I spent a good half an hour or so deciphering this morning!).

The next fair is booked for April 3rd, although I may try and get one in for March, so watch this space...

Jen x
Swimming in cards!

1 comment:

  1. congratulations, looks like a great wee stall!
    collages look great framed
